Sunday 1 September 2013


Chapter 1


Let’s take for instance this illustration of a poor villager who has two cows and gets ten litres of milk from it daily and after consumption by his family everyday, he’s still left with a surplus of five liters of milk. What should he do with the surplus? ................ Read More

Chapter 2
Co-operative Society has been defined in so many ways. For instance, N. Akpan defined co-operative as a group of people that come together on equal basis to promote their economic interest.  Mr. J. E. Oseromo, a one time Director of Co-operatives, Edo State, also defined Co-operative Society as a family of people who have come together on equal basis to promote their economic interest, and share equal risk. Why Mr. P. E. Akhigbe a one time lecturer in the Edo State Co-operative College define it as owner formed, owner managed and owner use. On his part, Mr. S. E. Ilegbinosun defines Co-operative society as business of the people, by the people and for the people.
But In 1995, in order to apply the uniformity to the various definitions, the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) definition stands accepted by all co-operators. And the definition is: -     “A co-operative society is an autonomous association of persons who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common economic and social objective through the formation of a jointly-owned and democratically controlled business organization. Which its Members are expected to make equitable contributions to the capital required and also to accept a fair share of the risks and benefits of the undertakings. Co-operative societies work on the principles of self-help and mutual assistance to provide services for their members in a prudent and effective manner”
When did Co-operative Society Started.
Robert Owen (1771–1858) is considered the father of the cooperative movement. Base on the important role he played towards enhancing the success of founding the cooperative society.
Although, it has been ascertained that cooperative movement began in Europe in the 19th century, primarily in Britain and France, the Shore Porters Society claims to be one of the world's first cooperatives, as this was established in Aberdeen in 1498 (although it has since demutualized to become a private partnership).The industrial revolution and the increasing mechanization of the economy transformed society and threatened the livelihoods of many workers affiliated to it. The concurrent labor and social movements and the issues they attempted to address describe the climate at the time.
The first consumer cooperative may have been founded on March 14, 1761, in a barely furnished cottage in Fenwick, East Ayrshire, when local weavers manhandled a sack of oatmeal into John Walker's whitewashed front room and began selling the contents at a discount, forming the Fenwick Weavers' Society. In the decades that followed, several cooperatives or cooperative societies formed including Lennoxtown Friendly Victualling Society, founded in 1812.

By 1830, there were several hundred co-operatives. Some were initially successful, but most cooperatives founded in the early 19th century had failed by 1840.However, Lockhurst Lane Industrial Co-operative Society (founded in 1832 and now Heart of England Co-operative Society), and Galashiels and Hawick Co-operative Societies (1839 or earlier, now Lothian, Borders & Angus Co-operative Society) still trade today. Not until 1844 when the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers established the ‘Rochdale Principles’ on which they ran their cooperative, that the basis for development and growth of the modern cooperative movement was established.

The readers should understand that what we are talking about here regarding the history of the cooperative movement concerns the origins, history and the sustainable effort applied to enhance the sustainability of cooperatives, today.

The Rochdale Pioneers
Who really were the Twenty Eight Weavers And How Can We Benefit From Their Effort?
The Rochdale Society or Equitable pioneers was made up of a group of 28 weavers who collaborate with other artisans in Rochdale, England to form the first known co-operative society in the year 1844.

What Led To The Formation?
As the mechanization of the Industrial Revolution was forcing more and more skilled workers into poverty in Britain then, the Weavers faced miserable working condition and low wages. This situation impel them to bring themselves together collectively to form a co-operative group. Before this bold step was taking, the Weavers were not recognized nor assisted by the stronghold of their society. On this ground, they seceded that by pooling their scarce resources together, they can jointly afford goods they need at a reasonable price. To start this venture before they call for help/support from external body, they resolved that all members must subscribe to a share capital of one pound sterling per person over a period of four months. Because they were determined and as they were ready to leave the state of inactiveness they find themselves, they struggled to pool this self tagged resources together, and they were able to raise a total of 28 pounds of capital sum, in the aforementioned time frame. Joyfully! On December 21, 1844, they opened their (the first ever co-operative shop) with a very meager selection of butter, sugar, flour, oatmeal and a few candles. Within three months, they expanded their selection to include tea and tobacco, and they were soon known for providing high quality, unadulterated goods.

How Do They Get Support/Sponsors?
The pioneers after starting up the shop, decided to add value to their products in a systematic way. So, they started to treating shoppers with honesty, openness and respect, since they believed that this will enable their customers appreciate them, their services, and partner with them.
These most modern businessmen knew quite well that they were having only meager fund to administer to their investment. Therefore, they needed affiliate partners. Their openness and transparency eventually encourage their customers, and they actually feel free partnering with them. As they were very sure that they will apportioned their normal share in their profits made from the investment, and they were also given a democratic right to have a say in the business.
What Resulted Afterwards?
Within the shortest possible time in operation, every customers of the shop became a member/partner and so, had a true stake in the business. At first the first co-operative was open for only two nights a week, but within three months of operation, the store had grown so much that customers of the shop urges that is should be open five days a week. The products from the shop was marked in the vicinity, as best and original.

What Lesson Do You Learn?
From the topics discussed above, we have been able to prove that a well planned and properly managed co-operative society is under compulsion to succeed. This is so because, others that we have seen succeeded applied mutual respect for each other, despite the fact that some are older than others. They displayed the sprit of equality and transparency. This quality, if factually applied will enhance oneness. Its this same quality that helped the members of the Rochdale Pioneers co-operative group. Therefore, no matter the members’ financial or societal position, co-operative members are expected to treat themselves equally. This is the only way they can sincerely come out to say, I am a successful cooperator.

Chapter 4
Proper Co-operation is needed in the structuring of cooperatives. Because, to achieve success there are some fundamentals principles needed. These materials must be applied in order to reposition the movement for it to sustain the text of time. There are some basic elements defined in a simple logical order that helped the 28 weavers to excel as a co-operative group.

The Elements To Be Used
For effective interaction-base to be fashioned, members of the various groups that make up the Association must be taught the benefit of widening out to others this will etch in the members heart and mind, the spirit of tolerance. This is the first key needed to succeed if we want to get the required result from the ASS team services.
We are all aware that what makes the family institution relevant was the structure at which it was founded. Please take note that during the initial existence of this earth, there was nothing like family, but when the creator saw the need to make family on this earth, the Bible say in Genesis 1:26 “let us make man in our own image and likeness to dominate the earth” he did it (Jehovah God)
After creation, the all wise creator made it absolutely understandable to them that for this institution to be sustained, man need to meet up with some basic laid down rules. It is also very clear and accepted that before the 28 weavers in collaboration with the other artisans in Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers in England, came together to form the first known co-operative society in 1844, there was no active or effective co-operative Society, already existing. Although many have tried, but it was not sustained.
What can Make Co-operative Societies/Associations Effective
Co-operative societies, works on the principles of self-help and mutual assistance to provide services for the members in a prudent and effective manner. Every co-operative society must be registered under the co-operative law. Having understood what Co-operative means, we want to discuss briefly how we can use co-operative to achieve our economic goals. To understand this lets talk about the origin of co-operative society.
Co-operators need to do real work together in other to promote each other’s success in a collective way by sharing resources and helping, supporting, encouraging, and applauding each other’s efforts to achieving their individual set goals. There are various activities and interpersonal benefits that can occur when members promote each other’s effort. This includes orally explaining how solve problems, teaching one’s knowledge to others, checking for understanding, discussing among yourselves the kinds of concepts each member know, and comparing present with past learning in order to ascertain areas that needs amend. Therefore having warmth spirit that hatch to oneness, will go a long ay in making things work for easily. You should bear in mind that applying these qualities can go a long way in helping you solve the social as well as the economic problems of every members of your group.
Co-operative Working Principle
Each of the proposed activities embarked upon by the Society/Association should be structured into group task directions and procedures. Doing so help ensure that cooperative learning groups are both an avenue to lean new technological ideas, and assurance base, for the co-operators that as a member of the co-operative movement, he/she will definitely succeed. This required the services of the Academic Support System (ASS). The services of personnel of ASS is needed by all serious minded member of a co-operative society as this will help those that are committed, to keep assisting themselves to succeed.
With the Personal Support System (PSS) also applied by the co-operator, accompanied with he academic support system, every group will have one committed person from the ASS team attached to them to help them realize their dreams. Most co-operators always ask how they can achieve this goal through applying proper Co-operative Approach (PCA).
An ASS team buttress basic facts to them that by working each other sincerely, they are as well actualizing their collective mutual goals. This will also give them the recognition by the co-operative movement known as, “Knowing Yourselves Well, First”.
When we mentioned that the personal support system method can help co-operators to be more committed to the services of the group, we actually mean it’s the legitimate responsibility to join other members of the group to share from both the gains and the loss of the society.
This aspect of the discussion always warrant that we ask ourselves, “is Academic Support System (ASS) in anyway related to that applying co-operative spirit?” this question becomes relevant because most persons believes that Co-operative Spirit, if properly applied, can go a long way to help the group to work in one accord and will result in groups’ harmony and togetherness. This will help co-operative achieve a lot.

Chapter 5
Co-operative Spirit is not to be demonstrated in the running of co-operative alone. Applying this principle of togetherness in our daily activities can help the reader to achieve success in all aspect of his/her life. To succeed in this quest, every member of the co-operative society should de well to put the group’s interest above his or her personal interest. That means, as a member of a co-operative, you are suppose to understand that joining the co-operative society, you will have to develop the opportunities of the society for the good of its members. And that you must allow the love you have for the success of the group be above everything else, including you personal interest as earlier written. Except, your religious responsibilities.
As mentioned above, the effort of applying the co-operative spirit is so numerous. It can be regarded as the extra satisfaction that every member will get as a direct result of being a member of a group. If the aforementioned in not visible in a co-operative, what you see will be low satisfaction and his/her eagerness in the initial stage will cool off. This can make a member loose his earlier commitment to the cause of the society.
The initial reason for setting up the co-operative movement by the founding fathers was to create an opportunity geared towards eradicating the hardship being faced by the less privileged people that existed at that time. The recorded story that led to the setting up of co-operative society was that when the mechanization of the Industrial Revolution was forcing more and more skilled workers into poverty, these tradesmen decided to band (co-operate) together to open their own store where they intends to sell some selected food items.
But What Is Co-operative Spirit?
Co-operative spirit is the attitude persons who have agreed to jointly establish a business posses and display. Although many people are interested in becoming a member of co-operative societies` only after it has succeeded. Probably, because they don’t understand the fact that their attention or participation is needed.
Intended cooperators must understand that Successful co-operative groups we see around us today are the ones whose members recognized what co-operative spirit is and applied it. Therefore, I believe that if utmost concentration is centered on explaining this topic in a simple manner to the co-operators, all co-operatives in the state will find positive headway. To apply cooperative spirit therefore; a good cooperative members must;
1.      Be positive
2.      Work together
3.      Be sincere
4.      Be truthful
5.      Display Genuine Love
How Easy Is It To Exhibit Co-Operative Spirit?
It is true that to affect this quality is not easy. To succeed therefore, we must have an inner conviction that assures us that through this means, we must succeed. We should develop a motivation that what we are involved in, will succeed; we must accept it as a bright light that leads us towards the direction of success. As this is our goal. Believing that we are on the right tract is also important. But it is advisable to display action towards this believe by doing our utmost to participate actively in any of the groups activities that can lead to open door for the organization.
Although many people wish to see what co-operative has offered for others before and what is in the pipeline that they can benefit from it, before they can affiliate to it and pay all their dues. Unfortunately, any group/persons that operate with this scheme in mind can’t be said to possess the co-operative spirit.
Genuine co-operative members must bear in mind that the felt needs of the individual members that made up the group constitute the unfilled desires that tends to drive its members into brink of despair and hopelessness. Such as the need of food, water, shelter, security and protection. Also, because he/she wants to be respected, love and the need of self actualization. Reputable co-operative society should be able to work towards bringing to reality the envisaged dream of the members. They must understand the actual manner of going about what they intend to do. As failure at the onset does not mean failure all the time.
We have learnt that in most African countries, traditional form of co-operation which have survived the impact of colonialism and the structural changes which accompanied the so-called modern society, is the type that enable people to come together to form a “unity of purpose for the protection of the members common interest”.
Such traditional self-help groups may be classified into two main categories of work groups whose members are anticipated to helping each other in rotation or to jointly carry out farming, construction and communal works. Rotating saving and credit associations whose members make regular contributions to a loan fund, has been confirmed by experts to succeed quick. Such groups can be found in every country of sub-Saharan Africa, these groups play a very important role in sustaining their economy.

Chapter 6
What Is Core Value?
Co-operative core value could also means the “harmonized cooperation”, which allow human with equal rights and reciprocated respect for each other work together for the wellbeing of a co-sponsored organization.
Core value is a material that helps to build trust and confidence among its members it is needed in the co-operative business because, cooperative system cannot function effectively in an environment of exploitation, corruption, pride, and materialisms, nor where members are taught to complete with themselves or trained to develop the habit of corruptions to succeed in their process of marketing their goods and doing their supplies.
For cooperatives to succeed therefore, they must have morality among its working-class, as this will help to operate a strong management of their enterprise. Co-operative executives should strive to imbibe community support interest in the minds of their members which is inducted into the cooperative system. Furthermore, cooperatives need ready access to suppliers and markets for their goods and services. And the members of a cooperative must be able to work in a collective spirit and must share similar material aspirations.
Why a Good Co-Operator Needed To Apply Core Value:
For a cooperative society to function efficiently in this politically dominated society, it requires decent people with cooperative values, people with similar material/economic needs. Most importantly people with mutual respect for each other. Having the sense of appropriate organizational and managerial mental structures. This will help them to Demonstrate neutrality. This act of being neutral can help the co-operative group to operate in an environment where the government and other interest groups will come in to render support to them. Real consideration must be given to this basic requirement because cooperatives cannot survive in the absence of sufficient moral base. In other words, strong moral values must first be prevalent among members, in order for the cooperatives to flourish. Relatively, it will become the responsibility of the co-operative managers to create strong moral values in their members in order for the groups to make progress.

Chapter 7
This book therefore is designed to offers practical viewpoint for developing cooperative. It will help to examine the co-operative principles, advantages, internal structures, supportive infrastructure, and wider environmental factor necessary for their development. Finally, it will address difficult questions of strategic priorities. This book is to prepare you towards the step you need to take, to prepare you towards setting up co-operative society and running it.
What a Cooperative Members Must Do:
a)      A co-operator must be ready to put the interest of his/her co-operative above other interests.
b)      A cooperative member must be optimistic that they will be able to succeed through the effort of the group.
c)      A prospective co-operative member must understand that to strive in the co-operative business, he must “Understand Co-operative Society”
d)      A co-operator should realize the fact that; it is what he/she puts in that he can also get out.
e)      A cooperative member must recognize the fact that co-operative society is a business, and that as a member he/she is a share holder. He must also recognize the fact that thrift payment is an integral part of the co-operative system.
f)       A co-operator must also understand that co-operative business is all about equal participation and equal benefits. Therefore, anyone that refuses to participate actively must not expect to benefit from the effort of others.
g)      A cooperative member must understand the fact that one cannot succeed unless `everyone succeeds. Hence, the spirit of togetherness must be displayed by every member.
For the suggested ideas to be effective, every co-operator must have an emotional interest towards his/her co-operative society. This is expected to enhance more zeal and determination in the mind and hearts of the member in order to help the groups attain success in their investments/endeavors. Another effective material needed by a good co-operator is “Co-operative Spirit”

Chapter 8

What Is Full Moon?
When the Moon appears perfectly round in the sky, it is known as a “full moon,”

What’s the Difference Between Full Moon and New Moon
When the Moon appears perfectly round in the sky, it is known as a “full moon,” why the New Moon is the onset of a moon in a month setting in. the time the size of the moon is still very tiny.

It’s Significance
The appearance of full Moons is like the end of an Act in your ongoing life story. This is true both on the personal and the global scale. It's like a movie where all the plans/designs are pulled together, and for a brief moment, you can see the interwoven whole. If you concentrate on the final product, you will find out that the full Moon is a time when you begin to make out the path, and can take an exhilarating step forward. It is both a culmination and a time to act on something you've imagined. In the act of doing, you have brought an idea into reality, and made magic.

When the Moon appears perfectly round in the sky, it is known as a “full moon,” indicating that the disc of the Moon is full or complete. This happen on average every 29 days, and advances in astronomy have allowed scientists to carefully predict their patterns. Many traditions and superstitions are associated with the full moon in almost every culture on Earth, especially when the moon becomes eclipsed, as will happen periodically.
Occasionally, two full moons will appear in the same calendar month. The second is known as a "blue moon," and it is relatively uncommon. Some people consider blue moons to be highly auspicious, because of their rarity. More rarely, the month of February will have no full moon, since it is usually only 28 days long. When this happens, January or March will be marked with a blue moon. The Moon is also periodically eclipsed, thanks to its position behind the Earth. When the three planetary bodies reach the perfect alignment, the Earth's shadow will cover the Moon partially or totally.
In the case of the new moon, it is often linked with crime and questionable activity, since the night is dark, allowing people to participate in activities without detection. The full moon, on the other hand, has been associated with insanity, although studies have suggested that the Moon does not have influence on human or animal behavior.

Beauty of the Full Moon
The full Moon often casts an exuberant vibe, making it a great time to have a party. This also opens the door for meaningful programs and projects to strive for appreciative people, thereby allowing them to step into your real life. But keep in mind that it can be intense, too. There's a reason why more patrol-men are sent out on full Moons! Take time to honor yourself in some way for any step you take during full Moon, is easily detected. Not like in the new moon.
Oshiomhole the full moon
Such a thing has never happen before in the life of the Edo people, commented one Mrs. Isibor Alice, a 77 years old mother of 6, who resides in Edo State. And an indigene of Okada by birth.  When all things automatically start to turn around for the good of the people, such comments and appreciative remarks are always heard. If you go around town in our present day Edo, What you hear most people say is “This is the beginning of a good lifestyle for the people of the state”. But I, the writer of this book believes the changes that are taking place in Edo Today, is a practical exhibition of what the people want from a good government. Although the process was initially slow, the result so far is perfect; I have always told the people that Comrade Adams Alihu Oshiomhole is one person in a billion. He is scare to come by. But if you have him, you will have to respect the creator of mankind because Oshiomhole has made you to appreciate the purpose for human existence.  Many people never believed that Edo would ever experience a government system that will make such visible changes within the shortest possible time.
We! The Edo-farmers in collaboration with other Edo people wish to remain grateful to you Our Comrade governor for helping us to pass through this temping period without serious injury, being inflicted on us, Once again, we thank you for helping us to start benefiting from the dividend of good government.
Will this Gesture Continue?
Most people never believed that farmers will ever be recognized again in this state. Because, for a long time, matter relating to farmers has been a kind of turmoil for the various governments that has served in Edo state. This is true, base on the fact that Farmers were relegated, oppressed, cheated on and even thrown off balance. Accessing various farmers loan and benefiting from other national/international incentives have been very difficult for the dedicated farmers of Edo. For decades now, this trend has been on. It has not been easy for real Edo-farmers to benefit from any incentives directed towards them.
But in the year 2011, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole approved the release of 1 billion naira loan for Edo-farmers, after intervention by the Royal Father of Edo Kingdom, His Royal Highness, Omo’ Noba ‘Nedo, Uku Akpor-lokpor-lor, Oba Erediauwa. The Oba of Benin. we will not fail to be thankful and Loyal to our Comrade governor.
For the reason that we have been recognized and assisted by the people’s governor of Edo State, we want to assure your Excellency, the executive governor of Edo State Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, that we now have cause to really confide in you. We the executive of All Co-operative Farmers Association, Edo State, hereby promise to always support you in this journey of trying to make food available in the state. We know you have not reached your peak in GLORY! We the farmers of the state will do our utmost to make sure you shine to every part of the country like the full moon that comes out in its time, no matter how thick the cloud tries to cover it. You are a full moon and you must shine as a full moon.
Oshiomhole! The Full Moon
At a time in the lifetime of a moon to appear perfectly round the sky, it is usually considers as “full moon” this indicates that the disc of the moon is full or complete. This event does not happen everyday as the moon grows. If we take time to observe the setting in of the moon and how it develops, we’ll find out that this developing into full moon always appear about 29 days after the first appearance of the moon.
What is The Difference Between the New Moon and The Full Moon?
In the case of New Moon it is often linked with crime and questionable characters/activities because at this time, thick darkness overshadow the earth, allowing people to participate in various dubious activities without detection the opposite is often said of the Full Moon. Therefore our previous political Rulers who have ruled this state can no doubt be considered as the full moon rather, new moon. As this title or privilege can only be ascribed to OUR ADAMS OSHIOMHOLE, ALONE.